1982Bruce HastingsUT-WFSMovements and activities of backcountry bears in GSMNP $1,500
1982Brian Keyes UT-Forest Rec.Visual preferences of recreationists in forest environments in GSMNP $1,800
1982Pam Petko-Seus UT-WFSRelations between bears & backpackers in GSMNP $1,800
1983Chris KellerUT-WFSReproduction & denning of black bears in GSMNP $1,800
1983Allen TorbettUT-GeologyEvidence for tundra geology in GSMNP $1,800
1985Charlotte Pyle UT-ForestryForest disturbance in western GSMNP $1,800
1986Pete McLean UT-EcologyPopulation dynamics of black bears in GSMNP $1,800
1987Jim HaberaUT-WFSBrook & rainbow trout populations in experimental streams in GSMNP $1,800
1987Patrick RyanUT-GeologyCauses & predications of landslides on Anakeesta Ridge in GSMNP $1,800
1987Xinyuan WuUT-EcologyGrowth patterns of red spruce in GSMNP
1988Jeff Connelly UT-GeologyGeological structure of Greenbriar Cove, GSMNP$1,800
1988Paris Lambdin UT-Entomology & Plant PathDistribution of immature lepidopteran fauna in oak Habitats in GSMNP $1,800
1988James MineskyUT-ZoologyEcology of green anoles in GSMNP $1,800
1989Jeff Connelly UT-Geology Geological structure of Greenbriar Cove, GSMNP $1,800
1989Paris Lambdin UT-Entomology & Plant Path Distribution of immature lepidopteran fauna in oak Habitats in GSMNP $1,800
1989James MineskyUT-ZoologyEcology of green anoles in GSMNP $1,800
1989John BurdeSIU-ForestryProcedures for monitoring backcountry campsites impacts in GSMNP $1,800
1989Michael LuskNC State-ForestryEffects of wild pigs on small mammals in GSMNP $1,800
1990Jeff ConnellyUT-GeologyGeological structure of Greenbriar Cove, GSMNP $1,800
1990Paris Lambdin UT-Entomology & Plant Path Distribution of immature lepidopteran fauna in oak Habitats in GSMNP $1,800
1990Michael Lusk NC State-Forestry Effects of wild pigs on small mammals in GSMNP $1,800
1990Barron CrawfordUT-WFS Natural history of coyotes in GSMNP $450
1990James Rhea UT-Forestry Development of resistant strains of dogwood to anthracnose: collection of strain from GSMNP $2,700
1990Frank van ManenUT-WFS Black bear population dynamics in GSMNP $1,800
1990Kerry RabenoldPurdue University Development of a systematic monitoring program for migratory birds in GSMNP $1,800
1991Frank van Manen UT-WFS Black bear population dynamics in GSMNP $2,700
1991Kerry Rabenold Purdue University Development of a systematic monitoring program for migratory birds in GSMNP $1,800
1992Kerry RabenoldPurdue University Development of a systematic monitoring program for migratory birds in GSMNP $1,800
1992Richard BusingUniv. NC-Biol Old growth forest plot for long-term vegetation monitoring at Albright Grove, GSMNP $1,800
1992Catherine KolkmeierUT-Ethology Whitetailed deer behavior $1,800
1992Stan GuffeyUT-ZoologyDifferentiation & hybridization of brook trout in GSMNP $2,050
1993Stan GuffeyUT-ZoologyDifferentiation & hybridization of brook trout in GSMNP $2,050
1993Christopher BeachyHighlands Biol.Population densities of the red-cheeked Appalachian woodland salamander in GSMNP $3,500
1993Paris Lambdin & Jerome GrantUT-Ent. & Plant Path.Biodiversity of the insect fauna in mature northern red oak stands in GSMNP$2,100
1993Julia SizemoreNC State-ZoologyComparison of small mammal populations in areas of heavy, moderate, and light spruce-fir decline in GSMNP $1,000
1994Andrea BixlerDept. of ZoologyStriped skunks: Factors in influencing a solitary social system – Cades Cove $2,500
1994Ed ClebschDept. of BotanyChanges in red spruce: a 30-year view, GSMNP $760
1994Steve FraleyDept. of ZoologyFish & micro invertebrates in Abrams Creek$1,500
1994Jonathan HarrodEcology: UNCA GIS model for dynamics of pine & pine-hardwood, GSMNP$3,600
1994Stephanie WildsEcology: UNC Using GIS to predict plant species distribution in GSMNP$3,200
1995Thomas EasonUT-EcologyDispersal patterns of juvenile black bears$3,540
1995Robert InmanUT-WFSDistribution of preferred black bear foods in relation to habitat use $3,200
1995Pamela NaborsUT-GeographyMonitoring an invasive non-native Yam species$650
1995Stephanie WildsUNC-EcologyUse of GIS to predict plant species distribution$600
1996Thomas EasonUT-EcologyDispersal patterns of juvenile black bears$3,520
1996Alex ColeyUT-EcologyGenetics of a black bear population $1,800
1996John ShubzdaUT-ForestryWatershed dynamics$2,000
1996Jerome GrantUT-EntomologyBeech scale disease$2,750
1997Andrew MoiseffUniv. Conn PhysiologySynchronous flashing by fireflies$1,850
1997Terry FlumUT-EEBHydrology and water quality characteristics$1,875
1997Jay Clark UT-WFSNuisance bear movements $3,600
1997Fred AlsopETSU-Biology Bird census in spruce-fir$2,485
1998Joe BeelerGSMNPInvertebrate Survey $1,800
1998Jay ClarkUT-WFS Nuisance bear movements $3,000
1998John Shubzda UT-Forestry Watershed monitoring $3,000
1998John CopelandGA Southern-BiologyFireflies: Bioluminescence $1,500
1999Ashley Morris UT-BotanyGenetic Resistance to Beech Bark Disease $3,600
1999John CopelandGA Southern-BiologyFirefly Conservation Biology$2,231
2000Jaime McNuttUT-WFS Female bear survival$3,040
2000John ShubzdaUT-EngineeringWater quality $3,331
2001Howard NeufeldAppalachian State University–Biology Effects of Ozone on Native Wild Flowers $2,640
2001Jaime McNuttUT-WFS Female Bear Survival$3,589
2001Bruce Robinson, John Shubzda and Tom Barnett UT Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering Multi-Parameter Water Quality Monitor for Monitoring Park-Wide Water Quality GSMNP $3,600
2001Bruce Robinson and John Shubzda UT Dept. of Civil and Environmental EngineeringData Logger for Noland Divide Watershed Dynamics GSMNP$1,479
2001Thomas Mueller, Darren Robinson, Joe Beeler,and Chris Main UT Dept. of Plant Science and Landscape SystemsNatural History and Control of Chinese Yam, Dioscorea batatas $2,250
2002Bruce Robinson, John Shubzda and Tom BarnettUT Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering Multi-Parameter Water Quality Monitor for Monitoring Park-Wide Water Quality GSMNP $3,600
2002Bruce Robinson and John Shubzda UT Dept. of Civil and Environmental EngineeringData Logger for Noland Divide Watershed Dynamics GSMNP $1,479
2002Thomas Mueller, Darren Robinson, Joe Beeler, and Chris Main UT Dept. of Plant Science and Landscape Systems Natural History and Control of Chinese Yam, Dioscorea batatas $2,250
2003Thomas Mueller, Joe Beeler, C. Harper, G. Bates and Chris Main UT Dept. of Plant Science and Landscape Systems Weed control in native warm season grasses$1,125
2003A. WartellUniversity of Georgia Institute of Ecology The Carolina northern flying squirrel (Glaucomys sabrinus Coloratus) in the Southern Appalachians: genetic structure, habitat isolation, and implications for conservation management $3,600
2003E. Holzmueller and S. Jose University of Florida School of Forest Resources and Conservation Reproduction of dogwood Cornus florida L.) in burned areas of GSMNP$3,600
2004Joshua Kincaid and Albert Parker University of Georgia Dept. of Geography Spatial patterns of eastern hemlock regeneration in Southern Appalachian upland forests $3,600
2004Richard Baird and Kristine Johnson Mississippi State Univ. and NPS, GSMNP Effects of site factors and mycorrhizal associations on reforestation of Fraser Firs following balsam woolly adelgid infestations at select [locations] in the GSMNP $3,600
2005Michael Freake Lee University, Cleveland, TN, Dept of Natural Sciences and Mathematics Population status of eastern hellbenders in the GSMNP $3,600
2005Scott Roberts, Ken Orvis, and Roger Tankersley UTK Dept of Geography Preparing for the onset of hemlock mortality in GSMNP: an assessment of the relationship between riparian hemlock forest and adjacent stream chemistry $3,075
2005Matthew Wood, Richard Baird, and Kristine Johnson Mississippi State Univ. Dept. of Entomolgy and Plant PathologyEffects of ectomycorrhizae and select site factors on regeneration of Fraser fir (Abies fraseri) in GSMNP$3,600
2006Sally P. Horn and Henri D. Grissino-Mayer UTK: Dept. of GeographySoil charcoal evidence of long-term fire history in table mountain pine stands in GSMNP$3,570
2006David McNeill, Richard Baird and Kristine Johnson Mississippi State Univ. and NPS of GSMNPDetermination of hypovirulent and virulent isolates Cryphonectria parasitica collected from the GSMNP and their vegetative compatibility$3,600
2007William Starrett, Richard Baird and Kristine JohnsonMississippi State Univ. and NPS of GSMNPRhododendron decline in the GSMNP: Effects of pathogenic and mycorrhizal fungal associations within healthy and declining rhododendron populations$3,600
2008David Buehler and Kay Franzreb UTK: Dept. of Forestry, Wildlife and Fisheries and U.S. Forest Service Effect of eastern hemlock loss on avian abundance, productivity, and provisioning rates in southern Appalachian forests$5,000
2008Chris Underwood and Sally Horn UTK: Dept. of Geography Using soil charcoal as a proxy for the reconstruction of fire histories in the GSMNP $5,000
2009Kirsten Hecht and Max NickersonUniv. of Florida School of Natural Resources and Environment and Florida Museum of Natural HistoryMovement, diet, and microhabitat of larval Cryptobranchus Alleganiensis (hellbender) in the GSMNP$5,000
2009David Buehler and Kay Franzreb UTK: Dept. of Forestry, Wildlife and Fisheries and U.S. Forest Service Effect of eastern hemlock loss on avian abundance, productivity, and provisioning rates in southern Appalachian forests $5,000
2010Keith Gibbs, Bradford Cook and Steve Moore Tennessee Technological University and the GSMNP Effects of antimycin application for native brook trout restoration to benthic macroinvertebratecommunities in Lynn Camp Prong watershed, GSMNP $4,920
2010Lisa Muller, Jennapher Teunissen van Manen, Mike Pelton and Zheng-Hua Li UTK Using stable isotopes to assess longitudinal diet patterns of black bears in GSMNP $3,000
2010Julie Tuttle and Peter White UNC-Chapel Hill Quantifying gradients of soil moisture to understand and predict vegetation dynamics, GSMNP $5,000
2011R. T. Busing USGS, Corvallis, ORorest dynamics along an
elevational gradient in the Great Smoky Mountains: a climate change perspective
2011C. WeathersJ. StaufferT. KingS. E. MooreM.A. Kulp Penn State University & NPSPenn State UniversityUSGSNPSNPS Comparing genetic and morphometric expressivity ofbrook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis)
progeny and source stream
stocks transplanted into LeConte
Creek, Great Smoky Mountains
National Park, Tennessee.
2011P. B. MathenyS. A. TrudellE. C. VellingaM.G. WoodUniversity of TenneseeUniversity of WashingtonUniversity of CaliforniaA field guide to mushrooms of the Great Smokies: preliminary data
2012E. TrippJ. LendemerRancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden, Claremont, CANY Botanical Garden, New York, NY Lichen Diversity, Ecology, and Conservation in Great Smoky Mountains National Park$5,000
2012B. P. KeckUniversity of Tennessee Genetic Diversity, Hybridization, and Development of Long Term Monitoring Toolsin Greenfin Darters, Nothonotus chlorobranchius$5,000
2012C. CootsP. LambdinJ. FranklinJ. Grant University of Tennessee Influence of Elevation and Hemlock Wooly AdelgidInfestation Levels on Water Stress in Eastern Hemlocks in the Great Smoky Mountains
National Park
2013E. T. Rose and T. R. SimonN.C. State University Assessing avian response to the reintroduction of fire in low elevation pine/oak habitats of GSMNP following more than 50 years of fire suppression Park $5,000
2013M. H. Connolly(1), T. B. Henry(1), J. S. Schwartz(1), M. A. Kulp(2), and S. E. Moore(2)University of Tennessee (1) and National Park Service (2)Chemical analysis of trout otoliths as a measure of age-dependent deposition of aqueous aluminum in an Appalachian stream$5,000
2013T. BeachyGreat Smoky Mountains Institute at TremontInvestigating potential impacts of hemlock decline on streamside birds in the Walker Valley$5,000
2014R. Benard, J. Carr, and G. McCracken University of Tennessee nvestigating the winter behavior of bats at hibernation sites in Great Smoky Mountains National Park: habitat use and behavior during the white-nose syndrome epizootic$5,000
2014 T. Beachy Great Smoky Mountains Institute at Tremont Investigating potential impacts of hemlock decline on Louisiana water thrush in Great Smoky Mountains National Park $5,000
2015T. Pierson, B. Fitzpatrick, J. Jones, and T. BeachyUniversity of Tennessee Using Environmental DNA and Citizen Science to Monitor Stream Salamanders in Great Smoky Mountains National Park $5,000
2015S. Binninger and L. E. DeWald Western Carolina University Effects of Fire Severity on the Herbaceous Plant Species of Xeric Pine-oak Forests in Great Smoky Mountains National Park $5,000
2015R. Benard, E. Willcox, and G. McCrackenUniversity of Tennessee Further Investigation of the Winter Behavior of Bats at Hibernation Sites in Great Smoky Mountains National Park: Habitat Use During the White-nose Syndrome Epizootic $5,000
2015F. Alsop East Tennessee State University Breeding Bird Census to Compare Changes in the Avifauna of the Spruce-fir Forest on Mt. Guyot, Great Smoky Mountains National Park, in June 2015 with Similar Census Conducted in 1967, 1985, 1997, and 2014 $3,615
2016M. A. Jenkins Purdue University Assessing Changes in Forest Composition and Structure Following the Loss of Eastern Hemlock to the Hemlock Wooly Adelgid $2,000
2016A. J. Hill, D. M. Walker Tennessee Technological University and NPS Inhibition of Chytridiomycosis by Cutaneous Microbiota of Plethodontid Salamanders of the Great Smoky Mountains $5,000
2016T. P. Witcher, A. Wheeler Clemson University Assassin Bugs in Great Smoky Mountains National Park $5,000
2017D. J. Hocking et al. Frostberg State University Short-term Effects of Wildfire on Salamander Populations in Great Smoky Mountains National Park $5,000
2017S. P. Horn and C. A. Underwood University of Tennessee Holocene Vegetation and Fire History in Table Mountain Pine Stands in Great Smoky Mountains National Park $5,000
2017E. Willcox et al.University of Tennessee Investigating Fall Swarming and Spring Staging by Indiana and Tri-colored Bats $5,000
2018Troia and GiamUniversity of Tennessee Assessing Fine-scale temperature heterogeneity in the Little River: Implications for Fish Thermal Refugia in a Warming Climate $4,970
2018B. C. Glasgow Discover Life in America Survey of Gall Making Arthropods and their Plant Hosts in Great Smoky Mountains National Park $2,000
2019B. Holt and B. FitzpatrickUniversity of Tennessee Variation in microbial communities across small scale habitat changes in Plethodontid salamanders $4,752
2019J. Rhode and M.C Estep UNC-Asheville and App State Uni Characterizing the demographic and genetic diversity of ramp and sochan populations to ensure sustainable harvests within GRSM $5,000
2020K. Langdon NPS-retired Gang of Retirees in Search of Life’s Diversity $5,000
2020B. Holt University of Tennessee Slimy or saturated? Investigating imidacloprid application on non-target Plethodontid salamanders $5,000
2021C. NoffsingerUniversity of Tennessee Impact of edaphic factors on fungal communities in endangered spruce-fir forests at local$5,000
2021 K. LangdonNPS-retiredGang of Retirees in Search of Life’s Diversity $5,000
2022 K. LangdonNPS-retiredGang of Retirees in Search of Life’s Diversity $7,500
2022S. HornUniversity of TennesseeEnvironmental history from wetland sediments in Great Smoky Mountains National Park$7,500
2022R. GerholdUniversity of TennesseeBlack Bear population health monitoring in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park$7,500
2022B. FitzpatrickUniversity of TennesseeGenetic Assessment of Southern Appalachian Brook Trout Reintroductions in The Great Smoky Mountains National Park$7,500
2023K. LangdonNPS-retiredGang of Retirees in Search of Life’s Diversity$7,500
2023K. HamedVirginia TechEstimating Occurrence of Least Weasels in GSMNP$7,335
2023B. BrammellAsbury Univ.Assessment of salamander distribution in the GSMNP through the use of eDNA (E. junaluska)$7,102
2023B. FitzpatrickUniversity of TennesseeBrook trout reintroductions: does source genetics matter$7,500
2024K. LangdonNPS-RetiredGang of Retirees in Search of Life’s Diversity$7,500
2024S. TrimbeAustin Peay State UnivGenetic evaluation of conservation actions for Citico Darter, Etheostoma sitikuense$7,474
Total of awards since the inception for the Carlos C. Campbell Memorial Fellowship   $424,912