1982 | Bruce Hastings | UT-WFS | Movements and activities of backcountry bears in GSMNP | $1,500 |
1982 | Brian Keyes | UT-Forest Rec. | Visual preferences of recreationists in forest environments in GSMNP | $1,800 |
1982 | Pam Petko-Seus | UT-WFS | Relations between bears & backpackers in GSMNP | $1,800 |
1983 | Chris Keller | UT-WFS | Reproduction & denning of black bears in GSMNP | $1,800 |
1983 | Allen Torbett | UT-Geology | Evidence for tundra geology in GSMNP | $1,800 |
1985 | Charlotte Pyle | UT-Forestry | Forest disturbance in western GSMNP | $1,800 |
1986 | Pete McLean | UT-Ecology | Population dynamics of black bears in GSMNP | $1,800 |
1987 | Jim Habera | UT-WFS | Brook & rainbow trout populations in experimental streams in GSMNP | $1,800 |
1987 | Patrick Ryan | UT-Geology | Causes & predications of landslides on Anakeesta Ridge in GSMNP | $1,800 |
1987 | Xinyuan Wu | UT-Ecology | Growth patterns of red spruce in GSMNP | |
1988 | Jeff Connelly | UT-Geology | Geological structure of Greenbriar Cove, GSMNP | $1,800 |
1988 | Paris Lambdin | UT-Entomology & Plant Path | Distribution of immature lepidopteran fauna in oak Habitats in GSMNP | $1,800 |
1988 | James Minesky | UT-Zoology | Ecology of green anoles in GSMNP | $1,800 |
1989 | Jeff Connelly | UT-Geology | Geological structure of Greenbriar Cove, GSMNP | $1,800 |
1989 | Paris Lambdin | UT-Entomology & Plant Path | Distribution of immature lepidopteran fauna in oak Habitats in GSMNP | $1,800 |
1989 | James Minesky | UT-Zoology | Ecology of green anoles in GSMNP | $1,800 |
1989 | John Burde | SIU-Forestry | Procedures for monitoring backcountry campsites impacts in GSMNP | $1,800 |
1989 | Michael Lusk | NC State-Forestry | Effects of wild pigs on small mammals in GSMNP | $1,800 |
1990 | Jeff Connelly | UT-Geology | Geological structure of Greenbriar Cove, GSMNP | $1,800 |
1990 | Paris Lambdin | UT-Entomology & Plant Path | Distribution of immature lepidopteran fauna in oak Habitats in GSMNP | $1,800 |
1990 | Michael Lusk | NC State-Forestry | Effects of wild pigs on small mammals in GSMNP | $1,800 |
1990 | Barron Crawford | UT-WFS | Natural history of coyotes in GSMNP | $450 |
1990 | James Rhea | UT-Forestry | Development of resistant strains of dogwood to anthracnose: collection of strain from GSMNP | $2,700 |
1990 | Frank van Manen | UT-WFS | Black bear population dynamics in GSMNP | $1,800 |
1990 | Kerry Rabenold | Purdue University | Development of a systematic monitoring program for migratory birds in GSMNP | $1,800 |
1991 | Frank van Manen | UT-WFS | Black bear population dynamics in GSMNP | $2,700 |
1991 | Kerry Rabenold | Purdue University | Development of a systematic monitoring program for migratory birds in GSMNP | $1,800 |
1992 | Kerry Rabenold | Purdue University | Development of a systematic monitoring program for migratory birds in GSMNP | $1,800 |
1992 | Richard Busing | Univ. NC-Biol | Old growth forest plot for long-term vegetation monitoring at Albright Grove, GSMNP | $1,800 |
1992 | Catherine Kolkmeier | UT-Ethology | Whitetailed deer behavior | $1,800 |
1992 | Stan Guffey | UT-Zoology | Differentiation & hybridization of brook trout in GSMNP | $2,050 |
1993 | Stan Guffey | UT-Zoology | Differentiation & hybridization of brook trout in GSMNP | $2,050 |
1993 | Christopher Beachy | Highlands Biol. | Population densities of the red-cheeked Appalachian woodland salamander in GSMNP | $3,500 |
1993 | Paris Lambdin & Jerome Grant | UT-Ent. & Plant Path. | Biodiversity of the insect fauna in mature northern red oak stands in GSMNP | $2,100 |
1993 | Julia Sizemore | NC State-Zoology | Comparison of small mammal populations in areas of heavy, moderate, and light spruce-fir decline in GSMNP | $1,000 |
1994 | Andrea Bixler | Dept. of Zoology | Striped skunks: Factors in influencing a solitary social system – Cades Cove | $2,500 |
1994 | Ed Clebsch | Dept. of Botany | Changes in red spruce: a 30-year view, GSMNP | $760 |
1994 | Steve Fraley | Dept. of Zoology | Fish & micro invertebrates in Abrams Creek | $1,500 |
1994 | Jonathan Harrod | Ecology: UNC | A GIS model for dynamics of pine & pine-hardwood, GSMNP | $3,600 |
1994 | Stephanie Wilds | Ecology: UNC | Using GIS to predict plant species distribution in GSMNP | $3,200 |
1995 | Thomas Eason | UT-Ecology | Dispersal patterns of juvenile black bears | $3,540 |
1995 | Robert Inman | UT-WFS | Distribution of preferred black bear foods in relation to habitat use | $3,200 |
1995 | Pamela Nabors | UT-Geography | Monitoring an invasive non-native Yam species | $650 |
1995 | Stephanie Wilds | UNC-Ecology | Use of GIS to predict plant species distribution | $600 |
1996 | Thomas Eason | UT-Ecology | Dispersal patterns of juvenile black bears | $3,520 |
1996 | Alex Coley | UT-Ecology | Genetics of a black bear population | $1,800 |
1996 | John Shubzda | UT-Forestry | Watershed dynamics | $2,000 |
1996 | Jerome Grant | UT-Entomology | Beech scale disease | $2,750 |
1997 | Andrew Moiseff | Univ. Conn Physiology | Synchronous flashing by fireflies | $1,850 |
1997 | Terry Flum | UT-EEB | Hydrology and water quality characteristics | $1,875 |
1997 | Jay Clark | UT-WFS | Nuisance bear movements | $3,600 |
1997 | Fred Alsop | ETSU-Biology | Bird census in spruce-fir | $2,485 |
1998 | Joe Beeler | GSMNP | Invertebrate Survey | $1,800 |
1998 | Jay Clark | UT-WFS | Nuisance bear movements | $3,000 |
1998 | John Shubzda | UT-Forestry | Watershed monitoring | $3,000 |
1998 | John Copeland | GA Southern-Biology | Fireflies: Bioluminescence | $1,500 |
1999 | Ashley Morris | UT-Botany | Genetic Resistance to Beech Bark Disease | $3,600 |
1999 | John Copeland | GA Southern-Biology | Firefly Conservation Biology | $2,231 |
2000 | Jaime McNutt | UT-WFS | Female bear survival | $3,040 |
2000 | John Shubzda | UT-Engineering | Water quality | $3,331 |
2001 | Howard Neufeld | Appalachian State University–Biology | Effects of Ozone on Native Wild Flowers | $2,640 |
2001 | Jaime McNutt | UT-WFS | Female Bear Survival | $3,589 |
2001 | Bruce Robinson, John Shubzda and Tom Barnett | UT Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering | Multi-Parameter Water Quality Monitor for Monitoring Park-Wide Water Quality GSMNP | $3,600 |
2001 | Bruce Robinson and John Shubzda | UT Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering | Data Logger for Noland Divide Watershed Dynamics GSMNP | $1,479 |
2001 | Thomas Mueller, Darren Robinson, Joe Beeler,and Chris Main | UT Dept. of Plant Science and Landscape Systems | Natural History and Control of Chinese Yam, Dioscorea batatas | $2,250 |
2002 | Bruce Robinson, John Shubzda and Tom Barnett | UT Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering | Multi-Parameter Water Quality Monitor for Monitoring Park-Wide Water Quality GSMNP | $3,600 |
2002 | Bruce Robinson and John Shubzda | UT Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering | Data Logger for Noland Divide Watershed Dynamics GSMNP | $1,479 |
2002 | Thomas Mueller, Darren Robinson, Joe Beeler, and Chris Main | UT Dept. of Plant Science and Landscape Systems | Natural History and Control of Chinese Yam, Dioscorea batatas | $2,250 |
2003 | Thomas Mueller, Joe Beeler, C. Harper, G. Bates and Chris Main | UT Dept. of Plant Science and Landscape Systems | Weed control in native warm season grasses | $1,125 |
2003 | A. Wartell | University of Georgia Institute of Ecology | The Carolina northern flying squirrel (Glaucomys sabrinus Coloratus) in the Southern Appalachians: genetic structure, habitat isolation, and implications for conservation management | $3,600 |
2003 | E. Holzmueller and S. Jose | University of Florida School of Forest Resources and Conservation | Reproduction of dogwood Cornus florida L.) in burned areas of GSMNP | $3,600 |
2004 | Joshua Kincaid and Albert Parker | University of Georgia Dept. of Geography | Spatial patterns of eastern hemlock regeneration in Southern Appalachian upland forests | $3,600 |
2004 | Richard Baird and Kristine Johnson | Mississippi State Univ. and NPS, GSMNP | Effects of site factors and mycorrhizal associations on reforestation of Fraser Firs following balsam woolly adelgid infestations at select [locations] in the GSMNP | $3,600 |
2005 | Michael Freake | Lee University, Cleveland, TN, Dept of Natural Sciences and Mathematics | Population status of eastern hellbenders in the GSMNP | $3,600 |
2005 | Scott Roberts, Ken Orvis, and Roger Tankersley | UTK Dept of Geography | Preparing for the onset of hemlock mortality in GSMNP: an assessment of the relationship between riparian hemlock forest and adjacent stream chemistry | $3,075 |
2005 | Matthew Wood, Richard Baird, and Kristine Johnson | Mississippi State Univ. Dept. of Entomolgy and Plant Pathology | Effects of ectomycorrhizae and select site factors on regeneration of Fraser fir (Abies fraseri) in GSMNP | $3,600 |
2006 | Sally P. Horn and Henri D. Grissino-Mayer | UTK: Dept. of Geography | Soil charcoal evidence of long-term fire history in table mountain pine stands in GSMNP | $3,570 |
2006 | David McNeill, Richard Baird and Kristine Johnson | Mississippi State Univ. and NPS of GSMNP | Determination of hypovirulent and virulent isolates Cryphonectria parasitica collected from the GSMNP and their vegetative compatibility | $3,600 |
2007 | William Starrett, Richard Baird and Kristine Johnson | Mississippi State Univ. and NPS of GSMNP | Rhododendron decline in the GSMNP: Effects of pathogenic and mycorrhizal fungal associations within healthy and declining rhododendron populations | $3,600 |
2008 | David Buehler and Kay Franzreb | UTK: Dept. of Forestry, Wildlife and Fisheries and U.S. Forest Service | Effect of eastern hemlock loss on avian abundance, productivity, and provisioning rates in southern Appalachian forests | $5,000 |
2008 | Chris Underwood and Sally Horn | UTK: Dept. of Geography | Using soil charcoal as a proxy for the reconstruction of fire histories in the GSMNP | $5,000 |
2009 | Kirsten Hecht and Max Nickerson | Univ. of Florida School of Natural Resources and Environment and Florida Museum of Natural History | Movement, diet, and microhabitat of larval Cryptobranchus Alleganiensis (hellbender) in the GSMNP | $5,000 |
2009 | David Buehler and Kay Franzreb | UTK: Dept. of Forestry, Wildlife and Fisheries and U.S. Forest Service | Effect of eastern hemlock loss on avian abundance, productivity, and provisioning rates in southern Appalachian forests | $5,000 |
2010 | Keith Gibbs, Bradford Cook and Steve Moore | Tennessee Technological University and the GSMNP | Effects of antimycin application for native brook trout restoration to benthic macroinvertebratecommunities in Lynn Camp Prong watershed, GSMNP | $4,920 |
2010 | Lisa Muller, Jennapher Teunissen van Manen, Mike Pelton and Zheng-Hua Li | UTK | Using stable isotopes to assess longitudinal diet patterns of black bears in GSMNP | $3,000 |
2010 | Julie Tuttle and Peter White | UNC-Chapel Hill | Quantifying gradients of soil moisture to understand and predict vegetation dynamics, GSMNP | $5,000 |
2011 | R. T. Busing | USGS, Corvallis, OR | orest dynamics along an elevational gradient in the Great Smoky Mountains: a climate change perspective | $4,956 |
2011 | C. WeathersJ. StaufferT. KingS. E. MooreM.A. Kulp | Penn State University & NPSPenn State UniversityUSGSNPSNPS | Comparing genetic and morphometric expressivity ofbrook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) progeny and source stream stocks transplanted into LeConte Creek, Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Tennessee. | $5,000 |
2011 | P. B. MathenyS. A. TrudellE. C. VellingaM.G. Wood | University of TenneseeUniversity of WashingtonUniversity of California | A field guide to mushrooms of the Great Smokies: preliminary data acquisition | $5,000 |
2012 | E. TrippJ. Lendemer | Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden, Claremont, CANY Botanical Garden, New York, NY | Lichen Diversity, Ecology, and Conservation in Great Smoky Mountains National Park | $5,000 |
2012 | B. P. Keck | University of Tennessee | Genetic Diversity, Hybridization, and Development of Long Term Monitoring Toolsin Greenfin Darters, Nothonotus chlorobranchius | $5,000 |
2012 | C. CootsP. LambdinJ. FranklinJ. Grant | University of Tennessee | Influence of Elevation and Hemlock Wooly AdelgidInfestation Levels on Water Stress in Eastern Hemlocks in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park | $5,000 |
2013 | E. T. Rose and T. R. Simon | N.C. State University | Assessing avian response to the reintroduction of fire in low elevation pine/oak habitats of GSMNP following more than 50 years of fire suppression Park | $5,000 |
2013 | M. H. Connolly(1), T. B. Henry(1), J. S. Schwartz(1), M. A. Kulp(2), and S. E. Moore(2) | University of Tennessee (1) and National Park Service (2) | Chemical analysis of trout otoliths as a measure of age-dependent deposition of aqueous aluminum in an Appalachian stream | $5,000 |
2013 | T. Beachy | Great Smoky Mountains Institute at Tremont | Investigating potential impacts of hemlock decline on streamside birds in the Walker Valley | $5,000 |
2014 | R. Benard, J. Carr, and G. McCracken | University of Tennessee | nvestigating the winter behavior of bats at hibernation sites in Great Smoky Mountains National Park: habitat use and behavior during the white-nose syndrome epizootic | $5,000 |
2014 | T. Beachy | Great Smoky Mountains Institute at Tremont | Investigating potential impacts of hemlock decline on Louisiana water thrush in Great Smoky Mountains National Park | $5,000 |
2015 | T. Pierson, B. Fitzpatrick, J. Jones, and T. Beachy | University of Tennessee | Using Environmental DNA and Citizen Science to Monitor Stream Salamanders in Great Smoky Mountains National Park | $5,000 |
2015 | S. Binninger and L. E. DeWald | Western Carolina University | Effects of Fire Severity on the Herbaceous Plant Species of Xeric Pine-oak Forests in Great Smoky Mountains National Park | $5,000 |
2015 | R. Benard, E. Willcox, and G. McCracken | University of Tennessee | Further Investigation of the Winter Behavior of Bats at Hibernation Sites in Great Smoky Mountains National Park: Habitat Use During the White-nose Syndrome Epizootic | $5,000 |
2015 | F. Alsop | East Tennessee State University | Breeding Bird Census to Compare Changes in the Avifauna of the Spruce-fir Forest on Mt. Guyot, Great Smoky Mountains National Park, in June 2015 with Similar Census Conducted in 1967, 1985, 1997, and 2014 | $3,615 |
2016 | M. A. Jenkins | Purdue University | Assessing Changes in Forest Composition and Structure Following the Loss of Eastern Hemlock to the Hemlock Wooly Adelgid | $2,000 |
2016 | A. J. Hill, D. M. Walker | Tennessee Technological University and NPS | Inhibition of Chytridiomycosis by Cutaneous Microbiota of Plethodontid Salamanders of the Great Smoky Mountains | $5,000 |
2016 | T. P. Witcher, A. Wheeler | Clemson University | Assassin Bugs in Great Smoky Mountains National Park | $5,000 |
2017 | D. J. Hocking et al. | Frostberg State University | Short-term Effects of Wildfire on Salamander Populations in Great Smoky Mountains National Park | $5,000 |
2017 | S. P. Horn and C. A. Underwood | University of Tennessee | Holocene Vegetation and Fire History in Table Mountain Pine Stands in Great Smoky Mountains National Park | $5,000 |
2017 | E. Willcox et al. | University of Tennessee | Investigating Fall Swarming and Spring Staging by Indiana and Tri-colored Bats | $5,000 |
2018 | Troia and Giam | University of Tennessee | Assessing Fine-scale temperature heterogeneity in the Little River: Implications for Fish Thermal Refugia in a Warming Climate | $4,970 |
2018 | B. C. Glasgow | Discover Life in America | Survey of Gall Making Arthropods and their Plant Hosts in Great Smoky Mountains National Park | $2,000 |
2019 | B. Holt and B. Fitzpatrick | University of Tennessee | Variation in microbial communities across small scale habitat changes in Plethodontid salamanders | $4,752 |
2019 | J. Rhode and M.C Estep | UNC-Asheville and App State Uni | Characterizing the demographic and genetic diversity of ramp and sochan populations to ensure sustainable harvests within GRSM | $5,000 |
2020 | K. Langdon | NPS-retired | Gang of Retirees in Search of Life’s Diversity | $5,000 |
2020 | B. Holt | University of Tennessee | Slimy or saturated? Investigating imidacloprid application on non-target Plethodontid salamanders | $5,000 |
2021 | C. Noffsinger | University of Tennessee | Impact of edaphic factors on fungal communities in endangered spruce-fir forests at local | $5,000 |
2021 | K. Langdon | NPS-retired | Gang of Retirees in Search of Life’s Diversity | $5,000 |
2022 | K. Langdon | NPS-retired | Gang of Retirees in Search of Life’s Diversity | $7,500 |
2022 | S. Horn | University of Tennessee | Environmental history from wetland sediments in Great Smoky Mountains National Park | $7,500 |
2022 | R. Gerhold | University of Tennessee | Black Bear population health monitoring in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park | $7,500 |
2022 | B. Fitzpatrick | University of Tennessee | Genetic Assessment of Southern Appalachian Brook Trout Reintroductions in The Great Smoky Mountains National Park | $7,500 |
2023 | K. Langdon | NPS-retired | Gang of Retirees in Search of Life’s Diversity | $7,500 |
2023 | K. Hamed | Virginia Tech | Estimating Occurrence of Least Weasels in GSMNP | $7,335 |
2023 | B. Brammell | Asbury Univ. | Assessment of salamander distribution in the GSMNP through the use of eDNA (E. junaluska) | $7,102 |
2023 | B. Fitzpatrick | University of Tennessee | Brook trout reintroductions: does source genetics matter | $7,500 |
2024 | K. Langdon | NPS-Retired | Gang of Retirees in Search of Life’s Diversity | $7,500 |
2024 | S. Trimbe | Austin Peay State Univ | Genetic evaluation of conservation actions for Citico Darter, Etheostoma sitikuense | $7,474 |