1998 | Fred Alsop | UT-WFS | ETSU-Biology Bird census of spruce/fir forest | $10,000 |
| T. Simons | North Carolina State University– U.S.G.S. Cooperative Research Unit, Dept. of Zoology | Assessing the relationship between acid precipitation calcium depletion, and avian productivity in the GSMNP | $10,000 |
2003 | John Frampton, Steve McKeand and Fred Hain | North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC | Exploring hemlock resistance to HWA in GSMNP | $10,000 |
2006 | Paul Ayers and Adam Fiscor | Department of Biosystems Engineering and Soil Science, UTK | Abrams Creek underwater video mapping for federally-listed fish habitat | $10,000 |
2008 | David Buchwalter and Yuji Arai | Department of Environmental Molecular Toxicology NC State University and Department of Entomology, Soils and Plant Sciences, Clemson University | Abrams Creek underwater video mapping for federally-listed fish habitat | $10,000 |
2011 | T. B. Henry, Michelle Connolly, J. S. Schwartz, M. A. Kulp, S. E. Moore | University of Tennessee & National Park Service | Relating aluminum concentrations in GRSM streams with accumulation of aluminum in fish otoliths to enhance management of brook trout in streams impacted by acid deposition | $10,000 |
2012 | C. Weathers, J. Stauffer, T. King, S. Moore, and M. Kulp | Penn State University, USGS, NPS | Comparing Genetic Expressivity of Brook Trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) Progeny and Source Stream Stocks Transplanted into Leconte Creek and Mannis Branch, Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Tennessee | $10,000 |
2013 | B. Smith and F. Hain | N. C. State University | Identification and screening of eastern hemlock survivors of hemlock woolly adelgid infestation as a genetic resource for reforestation | $10,000 |
2014 | C. Reed Rossell, Jr., H. D. Clark, E. Schwartzman, J. W. Petranka, and S. C. Patch | N. C. State University | Investigating the status and condition of Rich Montane Seeps in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park | $10,000 |
2016 | G. Carpenter, E. Willcox, R. Bernard, W. Stiver | University of Tennessee and NPS | Tri-colored Bat Cave Hibernacula and Roost Tree Management in Great Smoky Mountains National Park | $10,000 |
2017 | J. J. Grainger et al. | University of Tennessee | University of Tennessee | $5,000 |
2018 | C. A. Diggins | Virginia Tech | Surveying for the Federally Endangered Carolina Northern Flying Squirrel in Great Smoky Mountains National Park Using Ultrasonic Acoustics | $10,000 |
2019 | M. Tate and E. Willcox | University of Tennessee | Continuing the investigation for fall swarming and spring staging of Indiana bat and tri-colored bat following the reopening of Bull Cave | $10,000 |
2020 | J. Heath | Appalachian Scientific | Establishment of a common garden of resistant and susceptible clones of American beech (Fagus grandifolia) to beech bark disease with air-layering propagation | $10,000 |
2021 | C. Widga | ETSU-Biology | Origins and Persistence of Grassy Balds in Great Smoky Mountains National Park | $9,913
| J. Elfin | Discover Life in America | Taking a “before snapshot” to assess the effect of the Abrams Creek Stream Restoration Project on riparian biodiversity in Cades Cove | $10,000 |
2022 | B. Fitzpatrick | UTK | Shedding Light on Batesian Mimicry: Investigating Biofluorescence amongst variable Phenotypes of the Southern Appalachian Endemic Salamanders, Desmognathus imitator and Plethodon jordani | $15,000 |
2024 | R. Smith | UTK | Spatial variation and genetic diversity in a multi-sourced brook trout restoration site in the Great Smoky Mountains | $15,000 |